Friday, July 24, 2009

White!So white!

I think most of you have found that why the paper around us so white. Actually not only the paper, tissue , toilet paper, bouncing baby nappies are also very white. They all may be undergo a bleaching process so that they all can bring white purity for us.

Chemical used in Bleaching Paper

In order to get paper products the right kind of white, chlorine is used as the bleaching agent. A bleach is a chemical that removes colors or whitens, often through oxidation. During bleaching process, some byproducts are realeased to the environment which are chlorinated compounds, dioxins and furans.
Research has shown that these chemicals not only persist in the general environment but will also bio accumulate with time. They have been found in growing numbers in lakes, rivers, animals and in our bodies where they are thought to contribute to the development of cancers, reproductive abnormalities, birth defects and other health problems.
However, improvements in technology have either eliminated the use of elemental chlorine through Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) technology or reduced the amount of chlorinated compounds released into the environment. Elemental Chlorine Free technology use chlorine dioxide instead of chlorine. Chlorine dioxide is today, acknowledged to be the best bleaching agent. In paper making, the changes from molecular chlorine gas to chlorine dioxide, a seemingly small change on the molecular level results but actually it is impact a lot to the envirnmental. ClO2 is an unstable gas with moderate solubility in water. It is usually generated in an aqueous solution and used immediately because it decomposes and is explosive in higher concentrations. It is produced by reacting sodium chlorate with a reducing agent like sulfur dioxide.
2 NaClO3 + H2SO4 + SO2 → 2 ClO2 + 2 NaHSO4

Keep in mind:

When you are going to use a paper product, consider its cost to the environment and to the health of future generations. Ask yourself whether you really need to use it or whether there is a more sustainable alternative. Let start to make some changes to protect our earth:

  • do not print unless you really need to

  • reduce using paper cups, kitchen towel, napkins, and other products which are not needed

  • buy unbleached paper products wherever possible

  • buy chlorine-free paper products

  • always re-cycle paper and do not send to landfill

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Have you all tried the alcoholic drinks before? If yes, then do you know how does the alcoholic drinks are made and what are the contents in this drinks? Of course, all the alcoholic drinks contain alcohol . Alcoholic beverage are usually divided into three classes which are beers, wines and spirits.

In chemistry, alcohol is an organic compound and its functional group consist of crbon bonded to an -OH group. The general formula for alcohol is CnH2n+1OH. The common term of alcohol is ethanol that can be found in alcoholic beverage. Alcohol is made by a process which is known as fermantation. Alcohol fermentation is done by the yeast and some kinds of bacteria. These microorganisms convert sugars into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. Alcoholic fermentation begins after glucose enters the cell. The glucose is broken down into pyruvic acid and then converted to CO2, ethanol, and energy for the cell. Fermentation is used in making bread, beer, and wine. The same microorganism is used in these three products: the common yeast or Saccharomyces Cerevisae.
The word equation for the fermentation process is:
Glucose + yeast--->alcohol+carbon dioxide

Application of Alcohol

1. Wear it
Ethanol is a common ingredient in many cosmetic. Ethanol is quite volatile so its function is to evaporate, absorbing its enthalpy change of vaporisation and cooling the skin. Furthermore, ethanol is also an ingredient in nail varnish. It acts as a slovent for the lacquer. When the solution is applied to the nails, the ethanol will evaporate and leaving a layer of laquer on the nail.

2. Dissolve in it
Ethanol is the safetest in the alcohol. So, normally it is used to dissolve chemicals that are insoluble in water. For examples,perfumes, cosmetics and vegetable essences such as vanilla extract.

3. Clean with it
You may have seen bottles of methylated spirits lying around, which is ethanol is added by a small amount of methanol. It is very good for cleaning paint brushes.
Attention,please don't consume too much of alcohol, it may kill you!!
Effects of Alcohol
There are many side effects if drinking too much alcohol. The effects of the drinking too much of alcohol are shown as the below:
1.destroy brain cells, possibly leading to brain damage.
2.greatly disturbs the structure and function of the central nervous system, hindering the ability to retrieve, consolidate, and process information
3.affect cognitive abilities while large amounts interfere with the oxygen supply of the brain causing a blackout when totally drunk.
4.Alcohol addiction may also inflame the mouth, esophagus, and stomach, and could cause cancer in these areas, especially in drinkers who are also smoking
5.harm vision, , slow down the circulation, and water retention
6.lead to skin and pancreatic disorders, weaken the bones and muscles, thus, decreasing immunity

7. Alcohol cn disturb water balance by inhibiting the release of ADH, causing excessive urinary water loss and dehydration(which may also cause the symptoms of a hangover)
See, there are too much of negative effects to our body, so give you advise at here:
keep away from the alcohol

Friday, June 26, 2009

The "brown stuff" on the apple

Why the apple turned to brown colour?
We always notice that when we peel the apple or cut it into few slices, the apple turned to brown colour. We know that when the apple after being cut became brown colour is because the apple is exposed to the air.
What is the main factor that cause the apple become brown colour after being exposed to the air? Actually, when the flesh of the apple being oxidized in the air, the process is called oxidation. The oxidation of an apple is very similar to the rusting of iron with air. In the oxidation process, the oxygen acts as oxidizing agent.
Besides that, there is a specific enzyme that casues the brown colour appear on the apple which is called polyphenol oxidase (PPO). This enzyme catalyse the o-hydroxylation of monophenols to o-diphenols. PPO enzymes can also catalysed oxidation of o-diphenol to produce o-quinone.
This enzyme can be found in many foods such as breads, chapattis, noodles and so forth. When the cell is broken, the enzyme is released which then reacts with the oxygen in the air and a layer is formed on the outside.

The diagram above has shown the chemical reaction that occurs. In this diagram, we can see that the monophenol reacts with the oxygen in the air, which creates the diphenol. When this chemical reaction is complete, the complex brown polymers are left. So, we can see the "brown stuff" on apple when an apple skin is pierced. The o-quinone reduced the diphenol which in turn is the molecule that is being oxidized. Thus, when an apple is turning brown, actually is the small molecules in the cells are reacting with the oxgen in the air. As a result, a layer of the brwon stuff is forming on the top. But, we no need to worry because it does no make the apple harmful to eat. If you don't want your apple turns to brown colour, what can you do is soak your apple which has been cutting in to the salt water. This can prevent the apple turn to brown colour.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Caffeine is a common type of drugs which is used to increase alertness and also can decrease fatigue. The most common source of the caffeine is coffee. Beside coffee, there are still many drinks contain caffeine such as tea, soft drinks(pepsi, coca-cola) , chocolate and so forth.

Do you know that a can of cola contains around 35mg of caffeine, a cup of instant coffee contains around 65mg of caffeine and Red Bull had 80mg of caffeine? What are the side effects of taking caffeine?I'll discuss it later.
Now, let us to know more about the formula of the caffeine and its properties.

Caffeine molecular structure
Caffeine is also known as mateine, guaranine, and methyltheobromine. Caffeine is an alkaloid of the methylxanthine family. Its chemical formula is C8H10N4O2.Pure caffeine occurs as odourless, white, fleecy masses, glistening needles or powder. Sometimes caffeine is called theine when it is found in tea . Caffeine is usually produced by the plants which are coffee beans, guarana and tea.
Caffeine is an addictive stimulant. It can stimulate our heart rate,nervous system and also respiration.Besides. caffeine is also considered as a diuretic. Too much of the caffeine may cause the caffeine intoxication. The sign of this disorder are restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia , flushed face, gastrointestinal disturbance and muscle twitching. The following effects are caused by the over use of the caffeine:
1. blood pressure increased
2. urine production increased
3. constricting of the blood vessel
4. stomach acid increased
5. the quality of sleep is affected
6. accelerate bone lose and cause osteoporosis
7. headaches
8. the level of the neurotransmitter dopamine is increased
However, caffeine can be both beneficial and harmful to us. Many of the headaches medicine contain a small amout of the caffeine because it is believed that can be treat the headaches. Caffeine can help the body absorb the headaches medications more quickly so that the painful of the sufferer can be relieved more effective. For example:
a) Aspirin-Free Excedrin Caplets contain 65 mg of caffeine.
b) Pain Reliever Tablets contain 65 mg of caffeine.
c) Anacin Maximum Strength contains 32 mg of caffeine.
d)Excedrin Caplets contain 65 mg of caffeine.
Caffeine can treat headaches and it can also cause someone headaches if taking too much caffeine. Thus, don't addicted to the caffeine. It is harmful to your health!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

What are actually in the olive oil?

Olive oil is a triglyceride which is made up of three fatty acids and attached to a glycerol backbone.

Fatty acids in the olive oil actually are the carboxylic acid with the long hydrocarbon chain.The general formula of the fatty acid is:CH3(CH2)nCOOH .Studies have shown that a person who consume olive oil every day, the risk to get heart disease can be reduced .Why is say so?
Due to the reason of the fatty acids in the olive oil is made up of oleic acid which is a monounsaturated fats.Monounsaturated fats are fatty acids that have only one sigle double bond in the fatty acid chain.There are about 55%-85% of olive oil is made of oleic acid where the general formula is CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7COOH

oleic acid
The olive oil also contained of other fatty acids which are linoleic and linolenic .Both of these two fatty acids are the polyunsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats are the fatty acids that have more than one double bond exist int the fatty acid chain. There are about 9% of the linoleic and less than 1.5% of linolenic in the olive oil.


Olive oil has no trans fatty acids. Trans fatty acids are just like the saturated fats in the body.They raise the LDL(low density lipoprotein )level which are called "bad cholesterol" because they will cause the heart disease and stroke.Omega-3 fats and omega-6 fats are polyunsaturated fats which can be found in the olive oil. There are 3 main omega-3 fats:ALA,EPA and DHA.The chemical structure of the DHA and EPA are shown as the below:

Omega-3 fats and omega-6 fats have many benefits for our body such as help to lower the blood pressure,maintain the heart rhythm beating normally ,the blood vessel elastisicity can be also improved and so forth.

Apart from that, olive oil also rich in antioxidant.Antioxidant is a subtance that slow the rate of oxidation reaction. There are many benefits of the antioxidants which are: the blood pressure can be reduced ,assist to fight of free radicals because the free radicals will damage our cells and also speed up the aging process and others.The variety of the olive oil can be found which include extra virgin,virgin,pure and light. What are the difference between them?
Extra virgin-this oil is the top grade of olive oil and is produced from the first ‘pressing’ of good-quality olives. This oil is extracted by a traditional cold-pressing method, where there are no chemicals .Small amount of heat is used.
Virgin-this oil is made from the second pressing of olive and also extracted bt cold-pressing method.There are no chemicals involved and a little of heat is applied.
Pure-this oil is non-virgin olive oil. This type of olive oil actually consist of the inferior oil which is left after the virgin oil has been removed from lower-quality olives. After that, this oil is refined by using the heat,chemical solvents and the filtration treatments.Lastly, this oil is mixed with the virgin oil to restore its flavoring and colour.
Light-This type of oil is made from the last pressing of olives.Its quality is lower than others.
Olive oil Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy 890 kcal 3700 kJ
Carbohydrates 0 g
Fat 100 g
saturated 14 g
monounsaturated 73 g
polyunsaturated 11 g
omega-3 fat <1.5>
- omega-6 fat 3.5-21 g
Protein 0 g
Vitamin E 14 mg 93%
Vitamin K 62 μg 59%
100 g olive oil is 109 mlPercentages are relative to US
recommendations for adults.

"Two table spoons of oilve oil keep the doctors away"